Understanding our Soul’s Purpose


 Most people, when asked “do we have souls?” answer; yes. 

Even so, getting a consensus on what the soul is, becomes elusive. Albert Einstein taught us that “everything is energy” and that when the molecules of any object are vibrating at a low enough frequency, we are able to see the object with our sensory eyes and feel it with our sense of touch.  In other words, when the object is dense and heavy, it means the molecules are moving slow enough to be seen and felt by our body’s senses. 

Yet when the rate of each molecule within the object increases, we cannot sense the object’s existence any longer with our human senses. The data coming through our 5 senses is limited  because of our body’s limited sensing capacity. 

Don’t misunderstand me.  Our bodies are a perfect vehicle for us to experience our human journey and our survival within planet Earth’s 3rd dimensional reality.  Yet, the soul’s substance is not a low vibrating energy.  We are capable of sensing our soul more readily as we develop our non-physical senses.   When we do, we additionally become attuned to many other unseen dimensions which surround us.

Our souls are made of very light energy that vibrates at a high and incomprehensible rate.  I call the substance “pure animation”. Other known terms are; “a spark of the Divine, a drop within the Cosmic ocean, or a unique piece of God”.


Our soul is always present, each moment of our human existence.  We know when we are “soul-full” because we feel emotions that are aligned with soul; such as joy, happiness, enthusiasm, peace and love.  “But what about the times when I don’t feel happy emotions?” you ask… “Where is soul then?”

Our choice to come into this earthly experience and pour our energy into a biological vessel (body) enables us to have an adventure which includes a vast array of emotions.  When we experience less soulful emotions, such as anger, frustration, disappointment and hurt, we understand clearly through our human vessels, that we are no longer aligned with our soul, and that our ego is now “running our vessel”.

There is no right or wrong to this realization, as this was the exact purpose of this lifetime adventure… to EXPERIENCE so much! Our egos are an important part of our humanness wherein they allow us to forget our previous existence before birth and also ensure our survival in such a low vibrating dimension. Part of our maturation and evolution within our earthly lifetime, is learning not only to understand and manage egotistic thoughts and emotions but to additionally really listen and align to our soul counterpart.

Our soul will always speak softly and gently to us.  Never is Soul interested in sensationalism or drama.  Ego instead thrives on using those aspects. Our soul has no judgment yet is a keen and precise observer.  Being connected to one’s soul will always find one in a place of peace and calm, even if you are feeling sad, perhaps because of a loss; or disappointed because of another’s treatment of you.  Soul imparts to your humanness the forgotten wisdom that places you in peace, with an added understanding that “all is well and perfect at this moment”.   

Soul encourages you to trust in the Divine’s broader vision and to relinquish your resistance to what is occurring around you which may seem chaotic.


In addition to all of this, the soul has a specific role and purpose within our life.  It holds personal history and information about us as unique individuals and additionally activates the blueprint of our spiritual gifts and personal path towards our highest potential within this lifetime.

The soul does this at the perfect time, and in collaboration with our freewill and choice.  Each of us brings to this lifetime a piece of a vast and significant puzzle.  Each of us is needed in order to complete the puzzle. No other person can replace or accomplish what we are meant to do.  And having shared all of this, we still must awaken and become activated enough to agree to work with Soul towards completing our highest purpose.

Laura LuzComment