
Relationship Coach

I have a diploma in Conflict Analysis and Management and through working with clients in conflict, I have gained a vast understanding of how the ego/personality works.  There are many adaptations utilized by ego which can get in the way of significant caring relationships, such as partners, family members or work-peers. 

Perhaps you are unsure why you hold resentment or are not able to maintain a relationship as positive as you would like.  There are times when viewing the relationship from a spiritual, symbolic, or archetypal lens, may bring clarity, insight and spark the activation of our human compassion.  Imagine feeling more insightful about your relationships with others, rather than experiencing habitual worry or rumination.  We are meant to connect with others.  It is our nature, yet we have not always been taught about connecting well.  

When relationships become a challenge, it simply means there is something bubbling up inside us that is ready to be seen and healed by the interaction between ourselves and another.